Proper education is the primary support for our future workforce. Lower Student loans, no indoctrination policies, promoting entrepreneurship, and lowering the cost of quality education are priorities for Frank Polo.
Year: 2021
As an immigrant who came from Cuba on a raft, Polo understands the immigration challenges our people endures. He also understand the need for our immigration policies that reflect the reality of our times. Therefore, his immigration policies would be focused on finding a solution to the immigration problem that do not promote human trafficking, illegal immigration, or uncontrol abuse of our immigration system.
By: Frank Polo To understand what I believe to be the connection between Maria Elvira, the Cuban Dictatorship, and the truth behind the formation of
Maria Elvira Links to the Communist Movement in America. Things like trips to Cuba, privileges not given to any other reporter ever, support from newly arrived Cuban influencers who may work for the Cuban dictatorship, her fascination with Ernesto Che Guevara, her relationship with members of the Cuban high-rank officials, but more importantly, her ex-husband, all talk about her links with communism.

Cuban communism of Raul Castro is alive and well. The Cuban dictator’s intelligence services operate in the U.S. to infiltrate our institutions, and to influence our electoral and political system.
The Venezuelan, Cuban, and Nicaraguan Regimes are a threat to our national security and our country should treat them as such.
On April 20, 2021, Maria Elvira Salazar and Mario Diaz-Balart presented in Miami a proposal to introduce a bill in Congress that would jump-start the

Our focus will not only be to find opportunities for our youths. We have plans to help everyone by creating better jobs for all; however, this topic is important to us as parents.

Policies like taxing the rich, wasteful government expenditure, and big government are policies that do not help our economy. We must create good paying jobs, and opportunities for the youth and people over 50 years of age.

There is no question in Frank Polo’s mind that reform is necessary in the healthcare sector. Nevertheless, we must understand that free healthcare without a tax increase is not possible. Therefore, a need to promote policies that will permit competition in all states of the Union.