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Let’s Put America First!

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  • Frank Polo
    Frank Polo for U.S. Congress
  • Maria Elvira Salazar is not a Real Republican. She is a Republican in Name Only.

Frank Polo Supports:

  1. The America First Agenda;
  2. Our Veterans and Police Officers;
  3. The First Amendment;
  4. The 2nd Amendment;
  5. Energy Independence Policies;
  6. Fighting Inflation;
  7. Immigration and Border Security Reform;
  8. Better Education and Safety for Our Youth;
  9. Lower Student Loan Interest;
  10. electoral integrity; and
  11. Protecting Our National Security.

“We can change the course of history and prevent our country from falling into the hands of communists who have already infiltrated our party. However, I cannot do it without your help. Donate today to ensure that a true Republican represents you in the U.S. Congress.”

America Primero