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Your Help Could Be Fundamenta to Achieve the Change We Need so Much!

This is not my fight, is the fight of all of us. This is the fight of those who want to end the abuse and corruption in the family court system. The fight of those who do not want looters to destroy our cities. This is the fight of those who don’t want a politician that kneels before criminals. Hence, need you to be part of this fight. Help us today!

Donate Today

We finance our campaign with the generosity of people like you. When you are not part of Miami’s corruption, you gain powerful enemies who know you will not pay back any favors. Therefore, special interests don’t fund our campaign, and I am proud of it. Please, donate today.

Become a Volunteeer

You can get involved today by becoming a Volunteer. Sign up, and you will be joining a group of change-makers. We are here to make a change in our community. We are here to protect the future of our children. But more importantly, to prevent that the communism we hate so much would ever touch our lives again. Nothing will be possible without your participation. Therefore, we need you to become a volunteer.

Contact Us

Do you have any question about our campaign? Please, don’t be shy, just call on me, Frank Polo, and I will answer the call. Never has other candidate be as open as me. Contact us today.

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