Latest Press Releases
- Frank Polo: “Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar Laughed at Our Latino Community With Her ‘Dignity Act.’”Miami, FL – Today, Republican candidate Frank Polo condemned Maria Elvira Salazar for proposing an immigration reform that she knows would not go anywhere and will incentivize illegal immigration. Frank Polo made the following statement: “We, Republicans, believe that immigration reform is necessary, but we must produce a plan which stops illegal immigration once and
- Frank Polo: RINO’s Are Undermining Gov DeSantisMiami, FL – Today, Republican congressional candidate Frank Polo praised Governor DeSantis for vetoing the maps proposed by the Florida Legislature. Frank Polo made the following statement: “The congressional maps proposed by Speaker Sprowls are weak and ensure the Democrats hold seats in the legislature that they otherwise would not have. It is the responsibility
- Frank Polo: Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar Is A National Security ThreatMiami, FL – Today, Republican candidate Frank Polo condemned Maria Elvira Salazar for the national security threat that she poses to our constitutional republic. Frank Polo made the following statement: “RINO Maria Elvira Salazar supports open borders, voted for gun control, and wants a no-fly zone in Ukraine that would lead to a military conflict